


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/13 今日の出來事




Avant le château du Mont Aimé 183 des personnes accusées et condamnées hérésie sont brûlés sur des bûchers. Parce que le fanatique Inquisiteur Robert tout en laissant exécuté illégalement bulgare certaines personnes, la République Dominicaine perdre son poste à la suite de pressions exercées par le clergé français du Nord avec le pape.

Rebstöcke am Südosthang des Mont Aimé

Mont Aimé1210 a été construit par Blanche de Navarre un château qui était, cependant, quitter le 15 siècle. Avant ce château le 13 mai 1239 Robert étaient les Bulgares brûlèrent 183 hérétiques à la demande de l'inquisiteur. De l'édifice aujourd'hui témoignent que des ruines.


Julian of Norwich has visions which are later transcribed in her Revelations of Divine Love.

Julian of Norwich 134213イングランドの修道女(彼女の本名は傳はってゐない。
Even her name is uncertain; the name 'Julian' is generally thought to have been derived from the Church of St Julian in Norwich, to which her anchorite's cell was joined.
Her Revelations of Divine Love, written around 1395, is the first book in the English language known to have been written by a woman. この著述により彼女は英語で書物を書いた最初の女性となった。

When she was 30 and living at home, Julian suffered from a serious illness. Since she was presumed to be near death, her curate came to administer the last rites of the Catholic Church on 8 May 1373. As part of the ritual, he held a crucifix in the air above the foot of her bed. Julian reported that she was losing her sight and felt physically numb, but as she gazed on the crucifix she saw the figure of Jesus begin to bleed. Over the next several hours, she had a series of sixteen visions of Jesus Christ, which ended by the time she recovered from her illness on 13 May 1373. 彼女が三十歳の頃、大病に罹った。死の近くまで行った。カトリック教會の儀式を受けて治癒していったが、その途中、彼女はキリストの十字架像を幻視、イエスキリストの十六の夢幻を視た。さうして、病氣より恢復した。


The ceremonial building of Kinkakuji





金閣寺銀閣寺 ―― といったやうに日本文化は二つのものの「一對性」を重視する性向を持つ。伊勢神宮が内宮と外宮によって對照、構成されるやうに。一對にしないと安定しないのだ。それが日本人的なシリメントリの感覺なのかも知れない。『對のあそび』に興じる私などにもその感覺、センスが強く働いてゐるにちがひない。




# On 12 May 1497, Pope Alexander VI excommunicated Savonarola and threatened the Florentines with an interdict if they persisted in harbouring him. On 18 March 1498, after much debate and steady pressure from a worried government, he withdrew from public preaching. Under the stress of excommunication, Savonarola composed his spiritual masterpiece, the Triumph of the Cross, a celebration of the victory of the Cross over sin and death and an exploration of what it means to be a Christian. This he summed up in the theological virtue of caritas, or love. In loving their neighbour, Christians return the love which they have received from their Creator and Savior.


Mary Tudor, Queen of France and Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk are officially married at Greenwich.

1568/0513:スコットランド、Battle of Langside: 

The forces of Mary, Queen of Scots, are defeated by a confederacy of Scottish Protestants under James Stewart, Earl of Moray, her half-brother.


Dutch statesman Johan van Oldenbarnevelt is executed in The Hague after being convicted of treason.



Miyamoto Musashi defeats Sasaki Kojirō at Funajima island.


{問題を解く鍵は、從來の呼び名であった船島が佐々木小次郎を記念する「巌流」島で呼ばれるやうになり、勝った武蔵にもとづく名では呼ばれなかったといふ点にあるだらう。日本の名所舊蹟となった地の呼稱の例で、この事を解析するなら(敗者を判官贔屓に好む日本人の心情を加味しなければならないが)、主役は佐々木巌流のはうで、武蔵は惡役だったやうだ。このことを傍證するやうな記録は、間接的ながら年代の古い、したがって決鬪の時期に近い(と云ってもかなり離れてはゐるが)ものでなされてゐる。それに、さらに傍證的になるが、筆まめであった武蔵がこの決鬪にかんして一言も記録を殘してゐないのかといふ点が私には氣に懸かってくる。 ……



In a severe earthquake, about 12,000 people die in Santiago de Chile and about one third of its population.

1648 /0513:Début de la fronde parlementaire.


War of the Bavarian Succession: Russian and French mediators at the Congress of Teschen negotiate an end to the war. In the agreement Austria receives the part of its territory that was taken from it (the Innviertel).

Im Frieden von Teschen auf Initiative Russlands wird zwischen Preußen und Österreich der Bayerische Erbfolgekrieg beigelegt. Österreich erhält das Innviertel, erkennt aber im Gegenzug die Ansprüche Preußens auf die beiden hohenzollernschen Markgraftümer Brandenburg-Ansbach und Brandenburg-Bayreuth an.




Captain Arthur Phillip leaves Portsmouth, England, with eleven ships full of convicts (the "First Fleet") to establish a penal colony in Australia.


Forces sent by Yusuf Karamanli of Tripoli to retake Derna from the Americans attack the city.


Napoleon Bonaparte prend la cinquième guerre de la coalition pour la deuxième fois que le vainqueur à Vienne. Contrairement à la première occupation de c'est atteint seulement après le feu lourd et contre la résistance de la population.


Ecuador gains its independence from Gran Colombia.


Die 4. Sinfonie in A-Dur op. 90, „Italienische“, von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy wird in der London Philharmonic Society unter der Leitung des Komponisten uraufgeführt. Sie gehört heute zu den meistaufgeführten Orchesterwerken Mendelssohns.


Mexican–American War: The United States declares war on Mexico.

1861/0513:American Civil War にイギリス、中立を宣言 

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom issues a "proclamation of neutrality" which recognizes the breakaway states as having belligerent rights.


The Great Comet of 1861 is discovered by John Tebbutt of Windsor, New South Wales, Australia.

1862/0513American Civil War、The USS Planter, 

a steamer and gunship, steals through Confederate lines and is passed to the Union, by a southern slave, Robert Smalls, who later was officially appointed as captain, becoming the first black man to command a United States ship.

1864/0513:American Civil War: Battle of Resaca 

The battle begins with Union General Sherman fighting toward Atlanta.

1865/0513:American Civil War: Battle of Palmito Ranch

In far south Texas, the last land battle of the Civil War ends with a Confederate victory.

1871/0513:Legge delle guarentigie in Italia: 

Stato concede italiano al Papa alcune garanzie dopo l'annessione dei suoi stati


In Menlo Park, New Jersey, Thomas Edison performs the first test of his electric railway.


With the passage of the Lei Áurea ("Golden Law"), Empire of Brazil abolishes slavery.


The first Giro d'Italia starts from Milan. Italian cyclist Luigi Ganna will be the winner.


Three children report the first apparition of Our Lady of Fátima in Fátima, Portugal.



Autour de Notre-Dame de Fátima (fêtée ce jour anniversaire de la première apparition1) :


・聖母の出現 - Wikipedia https://is.gd/Mjy1uC
・マリア崇敬 - Wikipedia https://is.gd/4bSXty
{しかし、ルルドの時もさう思ったが、どうして顯現するのが聖母マリアなのか。イエスキリストの信仰よりも聖母マリアへの信仰がカトリックを中心に次第に強くなったといふ史實は私も識ってゐるが、 …… どうやら、この邊りにヨウロパ人の信仰心の奥處がありさうだ。殊にラテン系のヨウロパ人に。 


Der Verband Deutscher Blumengeschäftsinhaber initiiert eine Werbekampagne zum Muttertag, der zum ersten Mal in Deutschland gefeiert wird.


The first commercial FM radio station in the United States is launched in Bloomfield, Connecticut. The station later becomes WDRC-FM.


Germany's conquest of France begins as the German army crosses the Meuse. Winston Churchill makes his "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" speech to the House of Commons.
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat".

{「血と汗と泪」をモノした詩人である吾輩から云はせれば、toil の語がいかにも余計であった。血と汗と泪といふ人間が流すもので統一しておくべきであった。さすれば、畫龍點睛を缺くことにはならなかったであらう。惜しいことであった。


Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands flees her country to Great Britain after the German invasion. Princess Juliana takes her children to Canada for their safety.


Russian-American designer and aviation pioneer Igor Iwanowitsch Sikorski starts the first free-ride in his helicopter Sikorsky VS-300 with tail rotor, the most widely used model to date.


Yugoslav royal colonel Dragoljub Mihailović starts fighting with German occupation troops, beginning the Serbian resistance.


WWⅡ:German Afrika Korps and Italian troops in North Africa surrender to Allied forces.
Mit der Kapitulation der deutschen Heeresgruppe Afrika unter Feldmarschall Rommels Nachfolger Hans-Jürgen von Arnim in Tunis endet im Zweiten Weltkrieg der Afrikafeldzug der Achsenmächte. Rund 250.000 deutsche und italienische Soldaten geraten in Kriegsgefangenschaft.



1948/0513:Arab–Israeli War: 

The Kfar Etzion massacre is committed by Arab irregulars, the day before the declaration of independence of the state of Israel on May 14.
massacre de Kfar Etzion orchestré par la Légion arabe sur des colonies juives.


The first round of the Formula One World Championship is held at Silverstone.

1952/0513:インド、上院 Rajya Sabha 發會

the upper house of the Parliament of India, holds its first sitting.

1954/0513:シンガポウル、anti-National Service Riots 發生 

by Chinese middle school students in Singapore, take place.


The original Broadway production of The Pajama Game opens and runs for another 1,063 performances. Later received three Tony Awards for Best Musical, Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical, and Best Choreography.


During a visit to Caracas, Venezuela, Vice President Richard Nixon's car is attacked by anti-American demonstrators.


May 1958 crisis: A group of French military officers lead a coup in Algiers demanding that a government of national unity be formed with Charles de Gaulle at its head in order to defend French control of Algeria.
アルジェリア戦争: フランス領アルジェリアでフランスによるアルジェリアの支配確保を主張するフランス現地軍と入植者の暴動がクーデターに発展。
mise en place du comité de salut public à Alger.


Ben Carlin becomes the first (and only) person to circumnavigate the world by amphibious vehicle, having travelled over 17,000 kilometres (11,000 mi) by sea and 62,000 kilometres (39,000 mi) by land during a ten-year journey.


Hundreds of University of California, Berkeley students congregate for the first day of protest against a visit by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.


Hong Kong Kowloon San Po Kong demonstrations spread to Wong Tai Sin Tung Tau Village and To Kwa Wan, the situation deteriorated, a large number of people gathered in the streets, and set fire to the burning and burning Wong Tai Sin House staff quarters, and broke into the new district office And school. The colonial authorities dispatched a large number of British and anti-riot forces to suppress, and the curfew time ahead of time to 18 o'clock.


Dr. Zakir Husain becomes the third President of India. He is the first Muslim President of the Indian Union. He holds this position until August 24, 1969.


https://is.gd/ypA36v 5月13日事件
In Malaysia, ethnic unrest between Malay and Chinese is breaking out, with at least 196 people dying.


Yukio Mishima et Zenkyoto un débat public à l'Université de Tokyo Yasuda Auditorium.


Faulty electrical wiring ignites a fire underneath the Playtown Cabaret in Osaka, Japan. Blocked exits and non-functional elevators lead to 118 fatalities, with many victims leaping to their deaths.



Mehmet Ali Ağca attempts to assassinate Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square in Rome. The Pope is rushed to the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic to undergo emergency surgery and survives.

The Turkish right-wing extremist Mehmet Ali Ağca has committed an assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II on the Petersplatz in Rome, but the latter is seriously injured. The assassin is arrested and arrested by the papal bodyguard, Camillo Cibin.


Large groups of students occupy Tiananmen Square and begin a hunger strike.
1989: In Beijing, the multiple-week occupation of Tian'anmen Square ("Place at the Gate of Heavenly Peace") begins when several hundred students enter the hunger movement.


The Dinamo–Red Star riot took place at Maksimir Stadium in Zagreb, Croatia between the Bad Blue Boys (fans of Dinamo Zagreb) and the Delije (fans of Red Star Belgrade).


Li Hongzhi gives the first public lecture on Falun Gong in Changchun, People's Republic of China.


アメリカが戦略防衛構想 (SDI) の中止を決定。


Severe thunderstorms and a tornado in Bangladesh kill 600 people.


Race riots break out in Jakarta, Indonesia, where shops owned by Indonesians of Chinese descent are looted and women raped.


India carries out two nuclear tests at Pokhran, following the three conducted on May 11. The United States and Japan impose economic sanctions on India.


Andijan massacre: Troops open fire on peaceful protesters in Andijan, Uzbekistan; at least 187 protesters were killed according to official estimates.


São Paulo violence: Rebellions occurs in several prisons in Brazil.
In São Paulo, mass disorder struck by the criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital comes to an exception. In Brazilian penal institutions, 112 prisoners of conscience are at the same time hostage.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World