


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/10 今日の出來事


まことのことばはうしなはれ  雲はちぎれてそらをとぶ  
ああかがやきの四月の底を  はぎしり燃えてゆききする  
おれはひとりの修羅なのだ (このからだそらのみぢんにちらばれ) 

「世界が全體幸福にならないうちは個人の幸福はあり得ない」 宮澤賢治189633
「虚空盡き、衆生盡き、涅槃盡きなば、我が願ひも盡きなむ」 弘法空海077435

ともに淨き強き正しき力を併せ、われらのすべての世界とわれらのすべての生活を一つの巨きな第四次元の藝術に創りあげようではないか 世界の未來は藝術とならなければならぬ まづもろともにかがやく宇宙の微塵となりて無方の空にちらばらう ユビキタスアノニマスとならう、チカラタカラのガラス玉演戲者とならう われらは各別各異に生き、しかも各々感じ、ここは銀河の空間の太陽日本、大和の國の天地人 われらを包むものは銀河を包む透明な意志、おほきな力と熱 前途は光明に輝きながらも峻險、しかしその度毎にわれらは大きさと深さを加へる



A sunspot is observed by Han dynasty astronomers during the reign of Emperor Cheng of Han, one of the earliest dated sunspot observations in China.


Titus opens a full-scale assault on Jerusalem and attacks the city's Third Wall to the northwest.


Scottish nobles recognize the authority of Edward I of England pending the selection of a king.

1497/0510:アメリゴ・ヴェスプッチ、to the New World.

Il navigatore Amerigo Vespucci ha fatto il suo primo viaggio nel Nuovo Mondo (la data è contestata da alcuni storici). this date is disputed by some historians


Christophe Colomb llegó a las Islas Caimán.
Christopher Columbus visits the Cayman Islands and names them Las Tortugas after the numerous turtles there.


Philipp Melanchthon beendet in Augsburg die Niederschrift der Apologie der Confessio Augustana, die beim anstehenden Reichstag vorgelegt werden soll.


Jacques Cartier visits Newfoundland.
ジャック・カルティエ - Wikipedia




1650/0510:Battle of Macroom、イギリス軍、アイリッシュ軍を撃破

During the reconquest of Ireland the English parliamentary army under Roger Boyle defeated Irish troops in the Battle of Macroom.


England, with troops under the command of Admiral William Penn and General Robert Venables, annexes Jamaica from Spain.
English troops under William Penn land in the south of the Spanish colony of Jamaica. The Spanish colonial administration in Spanish Town is already the next day the attackers. The Caribbean island remains in British possession until 1962.


King Narai nominates his daughter Sudawadi to succeed him with Constantine Phaulkon, Mom Pi and Phetracha acting as regents. The ensuing revolution leads to the Ayutthaya Kingdom severing all ties with Europe.




Johann Sebastian Bachs Kirchen-Kantate Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein wird in seinem zweiten Amtsjahr in Leipzig uraufgeführt. Der Text stammt von Christiana Mariana von Ziegler.


John Wilkes is imprisoned for writing an article for The North Briton severely criticizing King George III. This action provokes rioting in London.


The Parliament of Great Britain passes the Tea Act, designed to save the British East India Company by granting it a monopoly on the North American tea trade.
ボストン茶会事件 - Wikipedia
北米も例外ではなく、1754には French&Inndian War が七年戦争のなかの一つとして行なはれ、最終的には優勢となったイギリスが1763のパリ条約で「カナダとミシシッピ川以東のルイジアナ」を獲得した。が、この戰爭の經費が一億三千万ポンドの負債となってのしかかった。この負債の一部をイギリスは植民地に負担させることをおもひつき、それまでの「有益なる怠慢」と云はれた寛政を轉換し、印紙法を1765、二年後には茶やガラス、神などへのタウンゼント諸法を制定した。


Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette become King and Queen of France.

1775/0510:Ame Revo War、Ticonderoga 戰 

In the Battle of Ticonderoga the 52 man strong British occupation of the homonymous fort of insurgent colonists under Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold in the American Independence War is captured. There is only one shot, and no one is seriously injured in the fight.


Representatives from the Thirteen Colonies begin the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.


A la Comédie à Paris la Italienne première du drame historique Jeanne d'Arc à Orléans par Rodolphe Kreutzer a lieu.


Philippine Marie Hélène Élisabeth de Bourbon, la sœur cadette de Louis XVI, est condamné pendant la Révolution française seulement 7 jours après la fin de leur 30e anniversaire par le Tribunal révolutionnaire à Paris à mort et exécuté le même jour.

1796/0510:ナポレオンの戰爭、War of the First Coalition 

Napoleon I of France wins a victory against Austrian forces at Lodi bridge over the Adda River in Italy. The Austrians lose some 2,000 men.
L'armée française sous Napoleon Bonaparte gagne au cours de la campagne italienne à la bataille de Lodi sur les troupes autrichiennes après avoir été en mesure de forcer le 28 Avril Piémont-Sardaigne pour un cessez-le.


François-Noël Babeuf et al., Ce qui était prévu France renverser le gouvernement sont arrêtés. (Conspiracy de Babufu)

François Noël Babeuf 176097

1801/0510:First Barbary War: 

The Barbary pirates of Tripoli declare war on the United States of America.


Louis Delgrès signe et proclamme le texte antiesclavagiste "A l'Univers entier, le dernier cri de l'innocence et du désespoir"

1809/0510:Beethoven、Fidelio 上演中止、

In Wien müssen Aufführungen des Fidelio von Ludwig van Beethoven für diesen und den nächsten Tag abgesagt werden, da die in Schönbrunn eingetroffenen napoleonischen Truppen androhen, die Stadt zu beschießen.

1824/0510:National Gallery in London opens to the public.





Auf Anregung von Preußen gründen die Kleinstaaten Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Sachsen-Meiningen, Sachsen-Altenburg, Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Reuß-Greiz, Reuß-Schleiz und Reuß-Ebersdorf den Zoll- und Handelsverein der Thüringischen Staaten, der am nächsten Tag geschlossen dem im März gegründeten Deutschen Zollverein beitritt. Wirksam werden beide Zollverbünde mit dem 1. Januar 1834.

1837/0510:Panic of 1837: New York City banks fail, 

and unemployment reaches record levels.

1849/0510:NewYorkCity, Astor Place Riot: 

A riot breaks out at the Astor Opera House in Manhattan, New York City over a dispute between actors Edwin Forrest and William Charles Macready, killing at least 25 and injuring over 120.


In India, the first war of Independence begins. Sepoys mutiny against their commanding officers at Meerut.

One day after the public demotion of the British garrison in Merath, British India, which had refused to serve the new Enfield rifles, a massacre of 50 soldiers, civil servants, women, and children of the Sepoy- Rebellion against British colonial leaders.


Die Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien wird in einer Sitzung über die Entdeckung der Alkalimetalle Caesium im Jahr 1860 und Rubidium durch die Deutschen Robert Wilhelm Bunsen und Gustav Robert Kirchhoff informiert.

1864/0510:Ame Civil War、 

Colonel Emory Upton leads a 10-regiment "Attack-in-depth" assault against the Confederate works at The Battle of Spotsylvania, which, though ultimately unsuccessful, would provide the idea for the massive assault against the Bloody Angle on May 12. Upton is slightly wounded but is immediately promoted to brigadier general.

1865/0510:Ame Civil War: Jefferson Davis is captured

 by U.S. troops near Irwinville, Georgia.

1865/0510:Ame Civil War、William Clark Quantrill,

The guerrilla leader,  with his Quantrill's Raiders during the Secession War in Kentucky, falls into a background set by Union troops. He succumbed to his injuries on 6 June.


The several-day naval battle of Hakodate between ships of the Japanese Empire at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration and ships of the demolished Ezoan Republic ends with a victory of Japan.


The first transcontinental railway line in the USA is put into operation by the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad. The "golden nail" is hit in the railroad in Utah, where the Golden Spike National Historic Site is today. An actual nail made by Leland Stanford and specially made nail is never used in the rails.


La base de la paix préliminaire de Versailles du 26 Traité Février de Francfort met fin à la guerre franco-allemande. La France doit céder l'Alsace et de Lorraine parties. Ils viennent en Alsace-Lorraine à l'Empire allemand.


The women's rightswoman Victoria Woodhull is proposed by the Equal Rights Party as the first woman for the office of the US president, although women do not yet have the right to vote in the United States. Their opponents then mock the candidate as Mrs. Satan.



1876/0510:USA、フィラデルフィア万国博覧会、開幕 ~1110

The Centennial Exposition is opened in Philadelphia by U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant and Brazilian Emperor Dom Pedro II.


After the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, Romania under Carol I declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire. This is recognized a year later by the Treaty of Berlin.


The Supreme Court of the United States rules in Nix v. Hedden that a tomato is a vegetable, not a fruit, under the Tariff Act of 1883.

1893/0510:USA、蒸氣機關車「NYC Nr. 999」快走す

Die Dampflokomotive NYC Nr. 999 der New York Central Railroad erreicht gemäß der Überlieferung als erstes Fahrzeug eine Geschwindigkeit von mehr als 100 mph (etwa 161 km/h).





Mother's Day is observed for the first time in the United States, in Grafton, West Virginia.

1916/0510:海上、Sailing in the lifeboat James Caird, 

Ernest Shackleton arrives at South Georgia after a journey of 800 nautical miles from Elephant Island.

1924/0510:Edgar Hoover, FBI 初代長官、以後1972死ぬまでずっと

J. Edgar Hoover is appointed first Director of the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and remains so until his death in 1972.

1932/0510:オランダ、the song Het Wilhelmus, 國歌に 

known since the 16th century, is officially designated as the national anthem of the Netherlands.


Censorship: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings.

In Deutschland beginnen Nationalsozialisten und ihre Helfershelfer aus Kreisen von Professoren und Studenten in über 20 Städten nach der Machtergreifung mit der Bücherverbrennung im Rahmen der Aktion „Wider den undeutschen Geist“. Die Liste der verbrannten Bücher 1933 umfasst Dutzende Autoren, die entweder jüdische Vorfahren haben oder pazifistisches oder kommunistisches Gedankengut verbreiten. Grundlage bilden die Schwarzen Listen des Bibliothekars Wolfgang Herrmann.


Die Nationalsozialisten gründen die Deutsche Arbeitsfront als Einheitsverband der Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber mit dem Vermögen der zerschlagenen Gewerkschaften. Das Streikrecht ist zugleich abgeschafft.


Das politisch-literarische Kabarett Die Katakombe in Berlin wird auf Betreiben Joseph Goebbels' von der Gestapo geschlossen. Der Betreiber Werner Finck wird vorübergehend im KZ Esterwegen interniert.


Germany invades Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Der Westfeldzug (Fall Gelb) der deutschen Wehrmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg beginnt nach der Ankunft Adolf Hitlers im Führerhauptquartier „Felsennest“ in Rodert, Bad Münstereifel, mit dem Einmarsch in die neutralen Staaten Niederlande, Belgien und Luxemburg.


Winston Churchill is appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain.


Rudolf Hess parachutes into Scotland to try to negotiate a peace deal between the United Kingdom and Nazi Germany.


The Thai Phayap Army invades the Shan States during the Burma Campaign.


The Republic of China implements "temporary provisions" granting President Chiang Kai-shek extended powers to deal with the Communist uprising; they will remain in effect until 1991.




Bill Haley & His Comets release "Rock Around the Clock", the first rock and roll record to reach number one on the Billboard charts.


The nuclear submarine USS Triton completes Operation Sandblast, the first underwater circumnavigation of the earth.

1967/0510:Pop song "Sanfrancisco" release

The song San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) written by John Phillips and sung by Scott McKenzie appears at Ode Records. It is now regarded as the anthem of the hippie movement and the Summer of Love that takes place in the same year.

„If you're going to San Francisco,
be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.
If you come to San Francisco,
Summertime will be a love-in there.“
Scott McKenzie: San Francisco, 1967

1969/0510:Vietnam War: The Battle of Dong Ap Bia 

begins with an assault on Hill 937. It will ultimately become known as Hamburger Hill.
The US Army begins in Vietnam with a major attack on Dong Ap Bia hill near the Cambodian border, which is listed in the US military maps as hill 937. The last major US ground offensive in the Vietnam War is later known as the Battle of Hamburg Hill. It lasts until May 20th.


The Federated States of Micronesia become self-governing.






John Wayne Gacy is poisoned in the State Penitentiary of Illinois, USA. The serial killer known as a "killer clown" was sentenced on 21 March 1980 for killing 33 people to 21-times life imprisonment and twelve-time death penalty.


The 7.3 Mw Qayen earthquake strikes Iran's Khorasan Province, killing 1,567, injuring over 2,300, leaving 50,000 homeless, and damaging or destroying over 15,000 homes.


A hand grenade thrown by Vladimir Arutyunian lands about 65 feet (20 meters) from U.S. President George W. Bush while he is giving a speech to a crowd in Tbilisi, Georgia, but it malfunctions and does not detonate.


The Damascus bombings are carried out using a pair of car bombs detonated by suicide bombers outside of a military intelligence complex in Damascus, Syria, killing 55 people and injuring 400 others.


One World Trade Center becomes the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World