

04/27:歴史は叫ぶ「死にな! リベルテ・エガリテ・フラテリテ!のために」と

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 04/27 今日の出來事


1790年の春、市民革命眞っ最中のフランスでは「Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité」リベルテ・エガリテ・フラテリテ(自由平等友愛)の合言葉が火花のやうに飛び交ってゐた。

-399/0427:Socrates -46999、青年を惑はした罪で刑死


Emperor Arcadius marries Aelia Eudoxia, daughter of the Frankish general Flavius Bauto. She becomes one of the more powerful Roman empresses of Late Antiquity.

Around three months after the empire division of 395, the Emperor Arcadius Aelia Eudoxia, daughter of Bauto, marries. Perhaps this hasty conclusion was introduced by the Eutropius chamberlain to circumcise the influence of Rufinus, the guardian of the young Emperor, who wanted to marry his daughter with Arcadius.


Shahrbaraz is crowned as king of the Sasanian Empire.


Islamic conquest of Hispania: Moorish troops led by Tariq ibn Ziyad land at Gibraltar to begin their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus).


1296/0427:First War of Scottish Independence 1296~1328

John Balliol's Scottish army is defeated by an English army commanded by John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey at the Battle of Dunbar.


Pope Julius II places the Italian state of Venice under interdict.
L'appartenenza alla Lega di Cambrai Papa Giulio II imposto l'interdetto sulla Repubblica di Venezia per permettere ai membri della Lega per espandere il suo territorio a spese della Repubblica Marinara.


Explorer Ferdinand Magellan is killed by natives in the Philippines led by chief Lapu-Lapu.

On the Philippines island of Mactan, the Portuguese sailor and explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who sails under the Spanish flag, is killed during a battle against the local population under his chief Lapu-Lapu. After the death of the admiral, Juan Sebastián Elcano takes over the leadership of the world circle.

Lapu Lapu at the Lapu Lapu shrine.

1522/0427:スペインとフランス、Biocca 戰

Combined forces of Spain and the Papal States defeat a French and Venetian army at the Battle of Bicocca.



Re-founding of the city of Bogotá, New Granada (now Colombia), by Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastián de Belalcázar.
https://is.gd/5jwj9M Nikolaus Federmann - Wikipedia
https://is.gd/6OQVy5 Sebastián de Belalcázar - Wikipedia


défaite de l'armée de François Ier face à celle de Charles Quint à la bataille de la Bicoque, confirmant le rôle désormais décisif des armes à feu sur les champs de bataille.


Cebu is established becoming the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines.
https://is.gd/VBqvgM Cebu City - Wikipedia



Pope Pius V declares Queen Elisabeth I a heretic.


Duel of the Mignons claims the lives of two favourites of Henry III of France and two favorites of Henry I, Duke of Guise.
# In April 1578, the rival court parties of Henry III and Henry, Duke of Guise decided to reenact the battle of the Horatii and the Curiatii. On 27 April, Jacques de Caylus, Louis de Maugiron and Jean d'Arcès (representing the party of the King) engaged in a mock battle with Charles de Balzac, Ribérac, and Georges de Schomberg (representing the party of the Guises). Maugiron and Schomberg were killed in the fighting, Ribérac died of wounds the following noon, d'Arcès was wounded in the head and convalesced in a hospital for six weeks, while Caylus sustained as many as 19 wounds and died after 33 days of agony. Only Balzac got off with a mere scratch on his arm.
Dans la bataille pour la faveur du roi français Henri III. sont - malgré l'interdiction du duel royal - dans le duel de Mignon, l'une des batailles les plus célèbres de l'histoire française, trois « Mignon » et trois autres membres de l'entourage royal sur.



1595/0427:Saint Sava の遺跡、燒かれる

The relics of Saint Sava are incinerated in Belgrade on the Vračar plateau by Ottoman Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha; the site of the incineration is now the location of the Church of Saint Sava, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world.
https://is.gd/Tn81cG Koca Sinan Pasha - Wikipedia



In der Schlacht bei Mingolsheim besiegen die vereinigten Heere Peter Ernsts II. von Mansfeld und Georg Friedrichs von Baden-Durlach im Dreißigjährigen Krieg die Kaiserlichen unter Johann T’Serclaes von Tilly am Ohrenberg. Der Ort Mingolsheim gerät während der Schlacht in Brand und wird großteils zerstört.
https://is.gd/5ci4Ft Dreißigjähriger Krieg – Wikipedia


1650/0427:スコットランドBattle of Carbisdale

A Royalist army from Orkney invades mainland Scotland but is defeated by a Covenanter army.



John Milton, blind and impoverished, sells the copyright of Paradise Lost for £10.

Milton Dictates the Lost Paradise to His Three Daughters
ca. 1826. Artist: Eugène Delacroix

1720/0427:ロンドン、King’s Theater、こけら落とし

At the King's Theater in London, in the presence of King George I, the premiere of the opera Radamisto by George Frideric Handel will be performed with the libretto by Nicola Francesco Haym, the libretto L'Amor tirannico, Zenobia by Domenico Lalli .


In celebration of the ending of the Austrian Succession War by the Peace of Aachen, the British King George II arranged a fireworks display in London's Green Park. The fireworks music of Georg Friedrich Händel, which was premiered on the occasion of the event, was enthusiastically received.

Feuerwerk auf der Themse


Les prix élevés conduisent à Beaumont-sur-Oise français pillage sur le marché des céréales. Les attaques des insurgés régionales dans les semaines autour et se rend jusqu'en banlieue de zoom Paris. Militaire frappe la guerre de farine tombe peut, mais König Ludwig XVI doit revenir de privé à Instruire commerciale d'État.
High prices lead to Beaumont-sur-Oise looting on the grain market. The attacks of the regional insurgents in the weeks around and goes as far as the suburbs of Paris zoom. Military hits the flour war may fall, but König Ludwig XVI must return from private to State trading instructor.

1777/0427:American R War: Battle of Ridgefield: 

A British invasion force engages and defeats Continental Army regulars and militia irregulars at Ridgefield, Connecticut.
https://is.gd/z4UkZr リッジフィールドの戦い - Wikipedia


Après plusieurs années de censure, le jeu La Folle Journée ou Le Mariage de Figaro peut (le grand jour, ou Les Noces de Figaro) par Pierre Beaumarchais de 1778 sera créée à Paris et est immédiatement devenu un succès triomphal.
https://is.gd/bulhXH Le Mariage de Figaro — Wikipédia

1790/0427:フランス革命Liberté!, Egalité!, Fraternité!」

: Au cours de la Révolution française, considéré comme radicalement cordeliers est fondée. Ses membres populariser la devise Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.

La Liberté guidant le peuple, par Eugène Delacroix.



In St. Petersburg, part of the Polish magnates, under the patronage of the Russian Tsarina Catherine II, concludes the confederation of Targowica announced two days later in Targowica. It has to reverse the main plot, the reforms in Poland and in particular the constitution of 3 May 1791.


First Barbary War: United States Marines and Berbers attack the Tripolitan city of Derna (The "shores of Tripoli" part of the Marines' Hymn).
https://is.gd/Tr7mtL First Barbary War - Wikipedia


The foundation stone for the new building of the British Parliament building Palace of Westminster is laid. The previous building had been largely destroyed by a large fire in 1834.


abolition de l'esclavage en France.

1861/0427:アメリカ大統領、habeas corpus、一時停止

American President Abraham Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus.


The steamboat Sultana, carrying 2,400 passengers, explodes and sinks in the Mississippi River, killing 1,800, most of whom are Union survivors of the Andersonville and Cahaba Prisons.
https://is.gd/WvqTqq Sultana (steamboat) - Wikipedia

1882/0427:Ralph Waldow Emerson 180382、死


The Royal Red Cross was launched by Queen Victoria as a military award for merit in nursing.

{これこそ、Garter 勳章と呼ぶべきではないだらうか。ヴィクトリア時代





1915/0427:Alexander Scriabin 187215、死


Der erste Teil des zweiteiligen Spielfilms Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler von Fritz Lang und Thea von Harbou mit Rudolf Klein-Rogge in der Titelrolle wird mit großem Erfolg in Berlin uraufgeführt.


Carabineros de Chile (Chilean national police force and gendarmerie) are created.


The United Auto Workers (UAW) gains autonomy from the American Federation of Labor.

1938/0427:Edmund Husserl 185938、死


Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler ordnet die Errichtung eines „Quarantänelagers“ für 10.000 Insassen in der Nähe der polnischen Kleinstadt Oświęcim an, aus dem später das KZ Auschwitz hervorgeht.
Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler ordered the construction of a "Quarantänelager" for 10,000 inmates near the Polish small town of Oświęcim, which later became Auschwitz concentration camp.


Mit dem Abschluss der Abwrackung der letzten beiden Zeppeline LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin und LZ 130 Graf Zeppelin II auf Befehl Hermann Görings endet die Ära der Großluftschifffahrt mit Starrluftschiffen.
With the completion of the demolition of the last two zeppelins LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin and LZ 130 Graf Zeppelin II by order of Hermann Görings the era of the large-air shipping with starlit ships ends.


Die deutsche Wehrmacht erobert während des Balkanfeldzugs im Zweiten Weltkrieg die griechische Hauptstadt Athen.


Der Konzentrationslagerkomplex Kaufering bei Landsberg am Lech, der größte Konzentrationslagerkomplex des Deutschen Reichs mit dem Status eines Außenlager des KZ Dachau, wird durch die US-Armee befreit.
The concentration camp complex Kaufering at Landsberg am Lech, the largest concentration camp complex of the German Reich with the status of an outer camp of the Dachau concentration camp, is freed by the US army.


Benito Mussolini is arrested by Italian partisans in Dongo, while attempting escape disguised as a German soldier.
https://is.gd/aH81kf Benito Mussolini - Wikipedia


衆院不当財産取引委員会で、昭和電工への復金融資をめぐる贈収賄が問題化、昭電疑獄へと ――


The Belgian entrepreneur Gérard Blitz founded the Méditerranée club as a non-profit organization and realized his idea of a holiday all-inclusive for travelers in the same year.

1950/0427:南アフリカ、Apartheid、Group Areas Act

In South Africa, the Group Areas Act formally segregating races is passed.



1953/0427:Korea War、Operation Moolah 

offers $50,000 to any pilot who defected with a fully mission-capable Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 to South Korea. The first pilot was to receive $100,000.
https://is.gd/1nycaL Operation Moolah - Wikipedia




https://is.gd/owdaxv 李承晩 - Wikipedia




1981/0427:Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse.


The city of Pripyat as well as the surrounding areas are evacuated due to Chernobyl disaster.


The April 27 demonstrations, student-led protests responding to the April 26 Editorial, during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.


1992/0427:Olivier Messiaen 190892、死


赤ん坊が Olivier Messiaen 190892 で、お母さんが詩人だった Cécile Sauvage 188327 で オリヴィエを出産する頃、わが子の事をおもった詩を多く作ってゐます。私にとって一番大事な『聖母子』像です。


The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) is formed by the merger of the Yugoslav republics of Serbia and Montenegro.


South African general election: The first democratic general election in South Africa, in which black citizens could vote. The Interim Constitution comes into force.


Construction begins on the Freedom Tower (later renamed One World Trade Center) in New York City.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World