


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 04/19 今日の出來事

上杉謙信153078が死んで、Charles Darwin 180982 死んで、Charles Sanders Peirce 183914 が死んで、Octavio Paz 191498 が死んで、と見ていって、最後に來て、枝雀の名があった。二代目桂枝雀193999。


そして、鬱病が再發した。今度は最初の時より酷かった。自信が失はれていく、落語が分からなくなっていく、高座で自分が鬱病になったと泣き顏になって打ち明けると客はマクラ話び笑談だと笑ふ、いやほんたうにと云ふとさらに客は笑ふ。落語家の、といふかピエロの悲哀を感じたことであらう。そして、 ……


この古典落語のなかでも上出來の噺はすべての落語家が挑戰するもので、文樂も志ん生圓生も、志ん生の息子で落語家のすべての天性を持って生まれてきた志ん朝も演じてゐるが、主人公の旦那(その相手となる手代)にたいする解釋と造形において枝雀のものがダントツだと私は思ふ。ま、一聽あれ ―― 今日は枝雀の命日だ。私もこれから聽く。 


The freedman Milichus betrays Piso's plot to kill the Emperor Nero and all the conspirators are arrested.


Battle of Callinicum: A Byzantine army under Belisarius is defeated by the Persians at Raqqa (northern Syria).


Empress Irene organizes a conspiracy against her son, the Byzantine emperor Constantine VI. He is deposed and blinded. Shortly after, Constantine dies of his wounds; Irene proclaims herself basileus.


Martyrdom of Ælfheah in Greenwich, England.







Auf dem Reichstag zu Speyer treten sechs Fürsten und 14 Reichsstädte als Vertreter der protestantischen Minderheit gegen die Verhängung der Reichsacht gegen Martin Luther sowie der Ächtung seiner Schriften und Lehre auf, was als Protestation zu Speyer bezeichnet wird.
Beginning of the Protestant Reformation: After the Second Diet of Speyer bans Lutheranism, a group of rulers (German: Fürst) and independent cities protests the reinstatement of the Edict of Worms.


Charles V and Protestants signs Treaty of Frankfurt.


1587/0419:English, Sir Francis Drake 

"scorched the beard of the Spanish king" Philip II: unexpected by the Spaniards, he attacks with his ships the armada in the port of Cádiz and destroys most of the ships without great losses , The city is plundered for two days.

1608/0419:In Ireland: O'Doherty's Rebellion 

is launched by the Burning of Derry


With no living male heirs, Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 to ensure that Habsburg lands and the Austrian throne would be inherited by his daughter, Maria Theresa (not actually born until 1717).

1770/0419:English Captain James Cook, 

still holding the rank of lieutenant, sights the eastern coast of what is now Australia.


Marie-Antoinette est mariée à Vienne Augustinerkirche par procurationem avec le Dauphin Louis-Auguste.
Marie Antoinette marries Louis XVI of France in a proxy wedding.


The war begins with an American victory in Concord during the battles of Lexington and Concord.


The jacquard, improved by Joseph-Marie Jacquard, allows the automated weaving of large-pattern fabrics.


Venezuela achieves home rule: Vicente Emparán, Governor of the Captaincy General is removed by the people of Caracas and a junta is installed.

1824/0419:George Gordon Byron 178824、死

1825/0419:Treinta y Tres Orientales(33人の東方者)

The throng of the 33 Orientals crosses Uruguay, under their leader Juan Antonio Lavalleja, to unite in the struggle for Uruguay's independence with the patriots around José Fructuoso Rivera.

1839/0419:The Treaty of London 

establishes Belgium as a kingdom and guarantees its neutrality.

1850/0419:In the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 

the United Kingdom and the United States agree that none of the two countries should have a single influence on a future channel linking the Atlantic to the Pacific but rather want to protect its neutrality.

1861/0419:American Civil War: 

Baltimore riot of 1861: A pro-Secession mob in Baltimore attacks United States Army troops marching through the city.

1882/0419:Charles Darwin 180982、死


1903/0419:ロシア、大規模なユダヤ人迫害= Pogrom

The Kishinev pogrom in Kishinev (Bessarabia) begins, forcing tens of thousands of Jews to later seek refuge in Palestine and the Western world.
The two-day pogrom of Kishinev in the Russian province of Bessarabia begins. At the end of the anti-Semitic murders, 45 dead were counted and large property damage was recorded.

1914/0419:Charles Sanders Peirce 183914、死


Mae West is sentenced to ten days in jail for obscenity for her play Sex.

Her first starring role on Broadway was in a 1926 play she entitled Sex, which she wrote, produced, and directed. Although conservative critics panned the show, ticket sales were hot. The production did not go over well with city officials, who had received complaints from some religious groups, and the theater was raided, with West arrested along with the cast. She was taken to the Jefferson Market Court House, (now Jefferson Market Library), where she was prosecuted on morals charges, and on April 19, 1927, was sentenced to 10 days for "corrupting the morals of youth. Though West could have paid a fine, and been let off, she chose the jail sentence for the publicity it would garner." While incarcerated on Welfare Island (now known as Roosevelt Island), she dined with the warden and his wife; she told reporters that she had worn her silk panties while serving time, in lieu of the "burlap" the other girls had to wear. West got great mileage from this jail stint. She served eight days with two days off for "good" behavior. Media attention surrounding the incident enhanced her career, by crowning her the darling "bad girl" who "had climbed the ladder of success wrong by wrong."  Wikipedia en



Over 70 years after the beginning of the project and 40 years after the release of the first volume, the last volume of the New English Dictionary, now known as the Oxford English Dictionary, is published.




Die Komposition wurde am 23. Juli 1935 im Particell abgeschlossen und die Reinschrift der Partitur am 11. August beendet. Das Violinkonzert ist Bergs letztes vollendetes Werk. Die Uraufführung fand am 19. April 1936 mit Louis Krasner unter der Leitung von Hermann Scherchen auf dem Musikfest im Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona statt.


Bertolt Brecht 189856 Drama Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder wird am Schauspielhaus Zürich uraufgeführt. Der Stoff des Epischen Theaterstücks stammt aus dem Schelmenroman Trutz Simplex oder Lebensbeschreibung der Ertzbetrügerin und Landstörtzerin Courasche von Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen.


In Poland, the Majdan-Tatarski ghetto is established, situated between the Lublin Ghetto and a Majdanek subcamp.


Organisiert von der ŻOB beginnt im Warschauer Ghetto unter der Leitung von Mordechaj Anielewicz der Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto gegen die Fortsetzung der Deportationen von Juden in Vernichtungslager durch die deutschen Besatzer in Polen.
In Poland, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising begins, after German troops enter the Warsaw Ghetto to round up the remaining Jews.


Kurt Huber, bis zu seiner Verhaftung Professor für Musikwissenschaften und Psychologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, und die Studenten Alexander Schmorell und Willi Graf werden wegen ihrer Mitgliedschaft bei der Widerstandsgruppe Weiße Rose vom Volksgerichtshof unter Roland Freisler zum Tode verurteilt.


The Soviet intelligence service SMERSCH is founded by the NKVD. In addition to his main task of espionage, the service also succeeds in repatriating Soviet soldiers who are suspected of betraying and flagging.


Douglas MacArthur 188064、退役にさいして「老兵は死なず、ただ消え去るのみ」の一節で有名な記念演説。


Actress Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier of Monaco.
American actress Grace Kelly marries Prince Nicolas of Monaco at the Saint Nicolas Cathedral in Monaco. Of Monaco.


Students in South Korea hold a nationwide pro-democracy protest against president Syngman Rhee, eventually forcing him to resign.


Launch of Salyut 1, the first space station.


Charles Manson is sentenced to death (later commuted to life imprisonment) for conspiracy in the Tate–LaBianca murders.


Two hundred ATF and FBI agents lay siege to the compound of the white supremacist survivalist group The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord in Arkansas; the CSA surrenders two days later.

1998/0419:Octavio Paz 191498、死

Mexican poet, philosopher, and academic Nobel Prize laureate

≫ There can be no society without poetry, but society can never be realized as poetry, it is never poetic. Sometimes the two terms seek to break apart. They cannot.




2005/0419:Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen 194605、死

, Danish bassist and composer (b. 1946)
https://is.gd/C0GBL7 Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen - Wikipedia

{死んでたとは全然識らなかった。ジャズのベイシスト、その名手たちの名前、スラム・スチュアトとか、ポウル・チェンバァスとか、スコット・ラファロとか、ゲイリイ・ピィコックとか、このニイルス・ヘニング・エルステド・ペデルセンとか、ミロスラフ・ヴィトウスとか、カッコウのいいなと思ったこともあった ―― と思ひだされた。

2009/0419:J G Ballard 193009、死

English novelist, short story writer, and essayist.


The up-and-coming gold price in the New York Mercantile Exchange exceeds the 1500 US dollar per ounce fine mark for the first time.


Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is killed in a shootout with police. His brother Dzhokhar is later captured hiding in a boat inside a backyard in the suburb of Watertown.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World