


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
1932年の今日が誕生日の Glenn Gould 193282


歴史暦:古今東西 09/25 今日の出來事

Nabuchodonosor II est couronné roi de Babylone à la mort de son père, Nabopolassar.



0275/0925:Roman Empire
After the assassination of Aurelian, the Senate proclaims Marcus Claudius Tacitus Emperor.


Led by Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, the Hasanid branch of the Alids begins the Alid Revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate.


The Battle of Stamford Bridge marks the end of the Viking invasions of England.



1237/0925:England & Scotland「Treaty of York」
 establishing the location of their common border.







1358/0925:室町幕府03將軍 足利義滿135808、誕生

室町幕府第三代將軍(在職 1368~94)。父は 02足利義詮133067。母は側室の、紀良子。

1396/0925:オスマン帝國「Battle Nicopolis」
Bayezid I defeats a Christian army.



1441/0925:室町時代守護大名 赤松滿祐138141、敗死


1513/0925:スペインコンキスタドル「Pacific Ocean」發見
Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches what would become known as the Pacific Ocean.



1534/0925:219ロウマ教皇 Clemens VII 147934、死去

本名、Giulio de' Medici。フィレンチェのメヂチ家の一員。
esponente della famiglia fiorentina dei Medici, fu il 219 papa della Chiesa cattolica dal 1523 alla morte.

Il cardinale Giulio de' Medici (a sinistra) 
con Leone X (al centro) e il cardinale Luigi de' Rossi (a destra)



Peace of Augsburg is signed in Augsburg by Charles V and the princes of the Schmalkaldic League.




1609/0925:France「Journée du guichet」à Port-Royal.
La journée du Guichet est un épisode important de l'histoire de Port-Royal des Champs et du jansénisme.

Le 25 septembre 1609, Jacqueline Arnauld, très jeune abbesse du monastère de Port-Royal des Champs, décide de montrer la volonté de réforme qu'elle est en train d'introduire dans son monastère (dans la droite ligne du Concile de Trente) en refusant de recevoir sa famille à l'intérieur de la clôture monastique.

1617/0925:107天皇 後陽成157117崩御


1629/0925:Poland & Sweden「Traité de paix d'Altmark」
signature du traité de paix d'Altmark entre mettant fin au conflit entre la Pologne de Sigismond III et le Royaume de Suède de Gustave II Adolphe.


1683/0925:フランスの作曲家 Jean-Philippe Rameau 168364、誕生

un compositeur français et théoricien de la musique.

1688/0925:大同盟戦争「Guerre de la Ligue d'Augsbourg」
 opposant la France et ses alliés ottoman et jacobites à une vaste coalition européenne.



「Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick」the first newspaper to appear in the Americas, is published for the first and only time.


1711/0925:中國[清] 06皇帝 乾隆帝(愛新覚羅弘暦)171199、誕生

Qianlong (乾隆帝) (Àixīnjuéluó Hónglì (愛新覺羅弘曆), dit), quatrième empereur chinois de la dynastie Qing, régnant de 1735 à 1796.


1762/0925:江戸期の医学(解剖學) 山脇東洋170662、逝去



1766/0925:フランスの政治家 Richelieu 176622、誕生

, militaire, diplomate et homme politique français, président du Conseil des ministres français de 1815 à 1818 et de 1820 à 1821 .

1773/0925:イタリアの生物学者 Agostino Bassi 177356、誕生

un naturalista e botanico italiano, pioniere della moderna batteriologia.

フランスの Louis Pasteur 182295 が發見するよりも早く、病気の原因が微生物であることに氣付いて、1844、麻疹や梅毒、ペストなどの人間の病気も微生物によって引き起こされると発表。

1775/0925:American Revolutionary War
Ethan Allen surrenders to British forces after attempting to capture Montreal during the Battle of Longue-Pointe. Benedict Arnold and his expeditionary company set off from Fort Western, bound for Quebec City.


1777/0925:スヰス 数学者 Johann Heinrich Lambert 172877、死去

ein schweizerisch-elsässischer Mathematiker, Logiker, Physiker und Philosoph der Aufklärung, der u. a. die Irrationalität der Zahl Pi bewies.

地図の投影法(ランベルト正積方位図法やランベルト正角円錐図法など)を考案したことや、円周率が無理数である証明をしたことなどで知られる。 主著に『新オルガノン』など

The United States Congress passes twelve amendments to the United States Constitution: The Congressional Apportionment Amendment (which was never ratified), the Congressional Compensation Amendment, and the ten that are known as the Bill of Rights.


le physicien français André-Marie Ampère découvre la loi sur les effets des conducteurs porteurs de courant.

the French physicist André-Marie Ampère discovers the law on the effects of conductors carrying current.

1844/0925:フランスの名女優 Sarah Bernhardt 184423、誕生

(Henriette-Marie-Sarah Bernardt, dite), comédienne française.


U.S. forces led by Zachary Taylor capture the Mexican city of Monterrey.


1858/0925:ドイツの地理學者 Albrecht Friedrich Penck 185845、誕生

ein deutscher Geograph und Geologe. Penck widmete sich besonders der Geomorphologie, den glazialen Landschaftsformen und der Klimatologie.

1866/0925:アメリカの遺伝学者 Thomas Hunt Morgan 186645、誕生

an American evolutionary biologist, geneticist, embryologist, and science author who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933 for discoveries elucidating the role that the chromosome plays in heredity.

The Imperial Russian steam frigate Alexander Nevsky is shipwrecked off Jutland while carrying Grand Duke Alexei of Russia.



1869/0925:ドイツの宗教学者 Rudolf Otto 186937、誕生

ein deutscher Religionswissenschaftler und evangelischer Theologe.

# オットーは『聖なるもの』でヌミノーゼを二つの切り口に分けて説明している。それは戦慄的な神秘(Mysterium tremendum)と魅力的な神秘(Mysterium fascinans)の二つの面である。たとえそれが予期していたものであっても、絶対他者との遭遇は逃げ出したくなるような恐怖を伴うものである。それと同時に、恐ろしい、身の毛もよだつような体験とは、「こわいもの見たさ」と言われるようにしばし魅惑を含んだものとなる。このようにヌミノーゼは戦慄と魅了という二律背反的な要素を内包する。オットーは聖なるもの、あるいは神そのものを議論の俎上に載せるのではなく、それが人間の感覚にどのように影響するかを重要視した。このような価値観は、その後の宗教学や文化史に大きな影響を与えた。 Wikipedia 

1881/0925:中國の作家 魯迅188136、誕生


1884/0925:日本の政事家 石橋湛山188473、誕生




1885/0925:幕末維新の志人 五代友厚183685、死去



The United States Congress establishes Sequoia National Park.


1897/0925:アメリカの作家 William Faulkner 189762、誕生

an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner wrote novels, short stories, a play, poetry, essays, and screenplays.

1901/0925:フランスの映画作家 Robert Bresson 190199、誕生

un cinéaste français.
Il a réalisé treize longs métrages et a rédigé un essai important sur le cinéma intitulé Notes sur le cinématographe.

1903/0925:アメリカの画家 Mark Rothko 190370、誕生

an American painter of Russian Jewish descent.
Although Rothko himself refused to adhere to any art movement, he is generally identified as an abstract expressionist.

1906/0925:ソ連の作曲家 Dmitri Chostakovitch 190675、誕生

(Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович), compositeur russe.

Leonardo Torres y Quevedo successfully demonstrates the invention of the Telekino in the port of Bilbao, guiding a boat from the shore, in what is considered the birth of the remote control.


Le Panzerkreuzer Liberté français explose dans le port de Toulon. Au total, 204 personnes sont tuées, dont 143 membres d'équipage Liberté. 185 personnes sont blessées




1915/0925:WWⅠ「Second Battle of Champagne」
Début de la seconde bataille de Champagne, opposant les Français aux Allemands.


1922/0925:明治期の愛國的小説家 東海散士185322、死去


The international Convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery is first signed.


1932/0925:カナダのピアニスト Glenn Gould 193282、誕生

a Canadian pianist who became one of the best-known and most celebrated classical pianists of the 20th century.
カナダ、トロントに誕生。父の姓は Gold だったが、それがユダヤ人に多く、それを考慮して Gould に改姓したのは彼が誕生した直後であった。母は、Edvard Grieg 184307 の縁戚であった。その母からピアノの手解きを受け、七歳でトロントの王立音樂院に合格。そこで鍵盤楽器の演奏と音樂理論とを本格的に身に付ける。



1936/0925:Japan プロ野球




1937/0925:日中戰爭「Battle of Pingxingguan」
The Chinese Eighth Route Army gains a minor, but morale-boosting victory in the Battle of Pingxingguan.




Swiss Police instruction dictates that "Under current practice ... refugees on the grounds of race alone are not political refugees", effectively denying entry to Jews trying to flee occupied Europe during the Holocaust.


1944/0925:WWⅡ「Battle of Arnhem」
Surviving elements of the British 1st Airborne Division withdraw from Arnhem in the Netherlands, thus ending the Battle of Arnhem and Operation Market Garden.


Adolf Hitler ordnet die Aufstellung des „Volkssturms“ an. Alle noch nicht kämpfenden „waffenfähigen Männer“ zwischen 16 und 60 Jahren sollen eingezogen werden.


1950/0925:アメリカの言語学者 George Kingsley Zipf 190250、死去

an American linguist and philologist who studied statistical occurrences in different languages.

Zipf's Law:出現頻度が k 番目に大きい要素が全体に占める割合が 1/k に比例するという経験則。包括的な理論的説明はまだ成功していないものの、さまざまな現象に適用できることが知られている。この法則にしたがう確率分布(離散分布)をジップ分布という。ジップ分布はゼータ分布の特殊な形である。



Just three months after the beginning of the Korean war, the United Nations troops are taking over Seoul.


The Japan Racing Association, holding the first horse race after the WWⅡ.


1958/0925:行動主義心理學創始 John Broadus Watson 187858、死去

an American psychologist who established the psychological school of behaviorism.

Watson promoted a change in psychology through his address Psychology as the Behaviorist Views it, which was given at Columbia University in 1913
Through his behaviorist approach, Watson conducted research on animal behavior, child rearing, and advertising.

Solomon Bandaranaike(Prime Minister of Sri Lanka)is mortally wounded by a Buddhist monk, Talduwe Somarama, and dies the next day.


The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is formally proclaimed. Ferhat Abbas is elected President of the provisional government.


The North Yemen Civil War begins when Abdullah al-Sallal dethrones the newly crowned Imam al-Badr and declares Yemen a republic under his presidency.


1963/0925:UK「Profumo Affair」
Lord Denning releases the UK government's official report on the Profumo Affair.


The Mozambican War of Independence against Portugal begins.


1968/0925:アメリカの小説家 William Irish 190368、死去

an American novelist and short story writer who sometimes wrote under the pseudonyms William Irish and George Hopley.

Femme Fatal

1970/0925:ドイツの小説家 Erich Maria Remarque 189870、死去

ein deutscher Schriftsteller.
Seine überwiegend als pazifistisch eingestuften Romane, in denen er die Grausamkeit des Krieges thematisiert, finden bis heute große Verbreitung.

彼の『西部戦線異状なし』をめぐって異常ありなことが ……

1970/0925:Middle East
Ceasefire between Jordan and the Fedayeen ends fighting triggered by four hijackings on September 6 and 9.


1972/0925:Japan & PRChina「外交関係」成立

Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei visited the People's Republic of China. The Japan - China Joint Statement was announced on 29th September, and diplomatic relations were established.

1972/0925:Norway 國民投票「EU加盟を否決」
Norway's EC accession is rejected by referendum.


About 4,200 people take part in the first running of the Chicago Marathon.


PSA Flight 182, a Boeing 727, collides in mid-air with a Cessna 172 and crashes in San Diego, killing 144 people.


1980/0925:Lewis Milestone 189580、死去

a Moldovan-born American motion picture director.
He is known for directing Two Arabian Knights (1927) and All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), both of which received Academy Awards for Best Director.


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued an "open letter to all members of the Communist Party of China on the control of population growth in China", calling on the party members to take the lead in giving birth to a child.


Belize joins the United Nations.


1983/0925:Ireland「Maze Prison 脱走」
38 IRA prisoners, armed with six handguns, hijack a prison meals lorry and smash their way out of the Maze prison; about half the escapees are recaptured over time. A prison warder is stabbed in the melee and dies of a heart attack.


The All Japan Special Baths Association Federation agreed to refrain from the name "Turkish bath". Changed to "Soapland" from the end of the year.

この頃の日本はバブル景気で、粟アワ泡の阿波踊りの状態だった。Japan as No.1 とアメリカ人に云はれたり、Empire Building を買ったり、まさに「ソウプランド、ジャパン」であった。

A stone room and a house stone sarcophagus were excavated at FujinoKi Kofun.



1991/0925:Klaus Barbie 191391、死去

ein mehrfach verurteilter deutscher NS-Kriegsverbrecher.
Er war als „Schlächter von Lyon“ bekannt.


un militaire allemand, officier SS sous le régime nazi. Il a été le chef de la section IV (SIPO-SD) dans les services de la police de sûreté allemande basée à Lyon, durant l'occupation de la France par l'Allemagne nazie. Surnommé « le boucher de Lyon », en fuite durant plus de 40 ans, il a finalement été extradé de Bolivie en France où il a été condamné à perpétuité pour crime contre l’humanité à Lyon en 1987.

The West German Intelligence Service later recruited him, and he may also have helped the CIA capture Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara in 1967. Barbie is suspected of having had a hand in the Bolivian coup d'état orchestrated by Luis García Meza Tejada in 1980. After the fall of the dictatorship, Barbie no longer had the protection of the Bolivian government, and in 1983 was extradited to France, where he was convicted of crimes against humanity. He died of cancer in prison on 23 September 1991.

フランスの諜報機関は、USAがバルビを匿ってゐるのを識り、引き渡しを要求するが、利用價値を評價するUSAはこれを拒否しつづけた。が、フランスの強い要求にUSAはバルビを國外逃亡させることにし、變名のパスポウトを作り、1950/12、反共産主義バチカンやイタリアの反共組織の協力でイタリアを経由して、ペロン政権下のアルゼンチンを經て、1951/0423、ボリビアのラパスに家族とともに到った。ボリビアは当時USAの支援のもと反共的な軍事政權が支配し、なほかつ戰前からドイツ系移民の多い所で、周邊のチリなどに隠れたナチス党員らと連絡を取り、またボリビアの軍事政權とも關係を構築していった。國籍も取得し、以後、ボリビアとUSAの庇護のもと、ドイツ系ボリビア人「Klaus Altman」として治安対策アドバイザとなった。1967/10のチェゲバラの暗殺にも關與したとされてゐる。


1992/0925:NASA「Mars Observer」
NASA launches the Mars Observer, a $511 million probe to Mars, in the first U.S. mission to the planet in 17 years. Eleven months later, the probe would fail.


An explosion caused by a celestial collision occurred over Irkutsk province of Russia.


2003/0925:西洋のオリエンタリズム批判 Edward Saïd 193503、死去

(إدوارد وديع سعيد), écrivain et universitaire palestinien

Said became an established cultural critic with the book Orientalism (1978) a critique (description and analyses) of Orientalism as the source of the false cultural representations with which the Western world perceives the Middle East—the narratives of how The West sees The East. The thesis of Orientalism proposes the existence of a "subtle and persistent Eurocentric prejudice against Arabo–Islamic peoples and their culture", which originates from Western culture's long tradition of false, romanticized images of Asia, in general, and the Middle East, in particular. That such cultural representations have served, and continue to serve, as implicit justifications for the colonial and imperial ambitions of the European powers and of the U.S. Likewise, Said denounced the political and the cultural malpractices of the régimes of the ruling Arab élites who have internalized the false and romanticized representations of Arabic culture that were created by Anglo–American Orientalists.

The 8.3 Mw Hokkaidō earthquake strikes just offshore Hokkaidō, Japan.


2008/0925:Japan「鴇、Nipponia Nippon(日本の國鳥)」放鳥

Today, 27 years after capturing all Toki, 10 Toki are released at Sado Niigata prefecture.

2011/0925:ケニアの軍人政事家 Wangari Muta Maathai 194011、死去

militante politique et écologiste kényane, biologiste et professeur d'anatomie en médecine vétérinaire, prix Nobel de la paix en 2004.

2012/0925:アメリカのシンガー Andy Williams 192712、死去

an American popular music singer.

2016/0925:アメリカのゴルファ Arnold Palmer 192916、死去

an American professional golfer who is generally regarded as one of the greatest and most charismatic players in the sport's history.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World