

09/12:こころならずも歴史とマラソン「拔きつ拔かれつ Running High

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1940/0912 發見された Lascaux-abside

歴史暦:古今東西 09/12 今日の出來事

-490/0912:Greece「Battle of Marathon
  The Athenians and their Plataean allies, defeat the first Persian invasion force of Greece.

(The conventionally accepted date for the Battle of Marathon).

Emperor Andronikos I Komnenos brutally put to death in Constantinople.

Wikipedia en)Andronikos seems then to have resolved to exterminate the aristocracy, and his plans were nearly successful. But on September 11, 1185, during his absence from the capital Stephen Hagiochristophorites, his lieutenant, moved to arrest Isaac Angelos, whose loyalty was suspect. Isaac killed Hagiochristophorites and took refuge in the church of Hagia Sophia. He appealed to the populace, and a tumult arose that spread rapidly over the whole city

1213/0912:France、Croisade des Albigeois「Bataille de Muret」 

Albigensian Crusade: Simon de Montfort(5th Earl of Leicester)defeats Peter II of Aragon at the Battle of Muret.

1226/0912:Fin du siège d'Avignon (croisade des Albigeois).

1229/0912:Spain, Majorca「Battle of Portopí」
 The Aragonese army under the command of James I of Aragon disembarks at Santa Ponça, Majorca, with the purpose of conquering the island.

1309/0912:Spain、Reconquista「First Siege of Gibraltar」
 takes place in the context of the Spanish Reconquista pitting the forces of the Kingdom of Castile against the Emirate of Granada resulting in a Castilian victory.




1492/0912:Lorenzo de' Medici duca di Urbino 149219、誕生

Durante la celebrazione delle nozze tra Lorenzo e Madeleine, venne allestita per la prima volta La mandragola, la celebre commedia di Niccolò Machiavelli.

Dal loro matrimonio nacque Caterina de' Medici, futura regina di Francia. Poche settimane dopo la nascita della figlia, Lorenzo e la moglie morirono a qualche giorno di distanza l'uno dall'altra, ed il Ducato di Urbino ritornò alla famiglia dei Della Rovere.

霊廟(Firenze, Tomba di Lorenzo de' Medici duca di Urbino)
by Michelangelo Buonarroti 147564

1494/0912:François I 149447、誕生

Il règne jusqu’à sa mort en 1547. Fils de Charles d’Angoulême et de Louise de Savoie, il appartient à la branche de Valois-Angoulême de la dynastie capétienne.

Le domaine royal sous François Ier, ses acquisitions et les demeures royales.

{こっちは Leonard da Vinci 145219 との關係で私には馴染み深い。

Henry Hudson begins his exploration of the Hudson River while aboard the Halve Maen.



1683/0912:Austro-Ottoman War「Battle of Vienna」
 Several European armies join forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire.


1764/0912:Jean-Philippe Rameau 168364、死去

un compositeur français et théoricien de la musique.

彼は Voltaire 169478 と組んでオペラを流行させた。そこに登場するのが問題児の Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278 であった。つづく(つづきません。




1814/0912:War of 1812「Battle of North Point」
 an American detachment halts the British land advance to Baltimore.

1818/0912:Richard Jordan Gatling 181803、誕生

an American inventor best known for his invention of the Gatling gun, considered to be the first successful machine gun, though it is not a true machine gun by modern definitions.

1819/0912:Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher 174219、死去

preußischer Generalfeldmarschall und hat sich in bedeutenden Schlachten hervorgetan.

Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 の好敵手となったプロイセンの陸軍元帥。
猪突猛進型で「Marschall Vorwärts 前進元帥」と徒名された。性格は粗野で、無教養で無鉄砲だったが、親分肌で人氣はあった。戰場における勇敢さにおいては比類がなかった。諦めることを知らず、熱烈な愛國心の持主であった。ナポレオンに負けても負けても立ち向かひ、ワテルロで最後に笑った。




≫ 此世をば どりやおいとまに せん香と ともにつひには 灰左様なら

≫ 棺桶に片足掛けて見榮を切る、死出の旅路の恥はかき捨て

1839/0912:France「caméras photographiques」
 Les premières caméras photographiques produites en série sont proposées par le photographe parisien et propriétaire de la première entreprise photographique, Alphonse Giroux, à Paris pour 400 francs.

The first series-produced photographic cameras are offered by the Parisian camera maker and owner of the world's first photographic business, Alphonse Giroux, in Paris for 400 francs.

1840/0912:Mariage Robert Schumann et Clara Wieck
Der Komponist Robert Schumann heiratet in Schönefeld bei Leipzig mit gerichtlicher Zustimmung Clara Wieck, deren Vater jeden Kontakt der beiden verbot und das Eingehen dieser Ehe ablehnte.

一方、ヴィクトリア女王の大英帝國でも、やはり Robert といふ名の男が熱愛中。

1846/0912:Victorira Britain「Elope 驅落」
Elizabeth Barrett elopes with Robert Browning.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning 180661:one of the most prominent English poets of the Victorian era, popular in Britain and the United States during her lifetime.

彼女の詩に感動した Robert Browning 181289 が戀文を送り、以後二年間で數百通を往復させ、結婚に漕ぎつけたが父親の反對に、イタリアはフィレンチェへと驅落した。時にRobert 34、Elizabeth 40。

Robert said「God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.(神、天にゐます。すべて世は事もなし)」

1847/0912:Mexican–American War「Battle of Chapultepec」 begins.


 approves its 1st Constitution and becomes a Federal state.

The SS Central America sinks about 160 miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, drowning a total of 426 passengers and crew, including Captain William Lewis Herndon. The ship was carrying 13–15 tons of gold from the California Gold Rush.

1874/0912:François Guizot 178774、死去

un historien et homme politique français, membre de l'Académie française à partir de 1836, plusieurs fois ministre sous la Monarchie de Juillet, en particulier des Affaires étrangères de 1840 à 1848, devenant président du Conseil en 1847, peu avant d'être renversé par la Révolution française de 1848. 
Il a aussi joué un rôle important dans l'histoire de l'école en France, en tant que ministre de l'Instruction publique, par la loi de 1833, demandant la création d'une école primaire par commune et d'une école normale primaire par département.

Guizot caricaturé par Honoré Daumier.







1888/0912:Maurice Chevalier 188872、誕生

, chanteur français

1889/0912:Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges 183089、死去

un historien français.
Son ouvrage le plus connu est La Cité antique, paru en 1864. Il est aussi l'auteur de l'Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France qui a influencé plusieurs générations d'historiens jusqu'à Marc Bloch.

1897/0912:Irène Joliot-Curie 189756、誕生

une chimiste, physicienne et femme politique française. Elle est la fille de Pierre et Marie Curie. Épouse de Frédéric Joliot, elle a obtenu avec lui le prix Nobel de chimie en 1935 pour la découverte de la radioactivité artificielle.


1897/0912:Tirah Campaign「Battle of Saragarhi」

between Sikh soldiers of the British Indian Army and Pashtun Orakzai tribesmen. It occurred in the North-West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan).

1906/0912:South Wales「Newport Transporter Bridge」
 is opened in Newport, South Wales by Viscount Tredegar.

1909/0912:Patent「Synthetic Rubber」
German chemist Fritz Hofmann filed the patent for the first synthetic rubber.

Der Chemiker Fritz Hofmann, Mitarbeiter der Farbenfabrik Bayer/Elberfeld a. d. Wupper, erhält weltweit das erste Patent für ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von künstlichem Kautschuk, den er Buna nennt.

Gustav Mahler dirigiert die bejubelte Uraufführung seiner 8. Sinfonie (Sinfonie der Tausend).

Premiere performance of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 8 in Munich (with a chorus of 852 singers and an orchestra of 171 players. Mahler's rehearsal assistant conductor was Bruno Walter)

1913/0912:Jesse Owens 191380、誕生



1915/0912:French soldiers rescue over 4,000 Armenian Genocide survivors stranded on Musa Dagh.

Musa Dagh meaning "Moses Mountain") is a mountain in the Hatay province of Turkey. In 1915 it was the location of a successful Armenian resistance to the Armenian Genocide, an event that inspired Franz Werfel to write the novel The Forty Days of Musa Dagh.


Gold merchants meet for the first time at the London Bullion Market to formalize the world market price for gold.

Adolf Hitler joins the German Workers' Party (later the Nazi Party).

Adolf Hitler 188945、ドイツ労働者党(後の国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党=Nazis)集會に初めて出席

1921/0912:Stanisław Lem 192106、誕生

a Polish writer of science fiction, philosophy, and satire, and a trained physician.
He is best known as the author of the 1961 novel Solaris, which has been made into a feature film three times.


Southern Rhodesia(Zimbabwe)is annexed by the United Kingdom.

Leó Szilárd, waiting for a red light on Southampton Row in Bloomsbury, conceives the idea of the nuclear chain reaction.


1938/0912:Germany Nazis
Hitler demands autonomy and self-determination for the Germans of the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia.




1940/0912:Découverte de la grotte de Lascaux.

Cave paintings are discovered in Lascaux, France.

RMS Laconia, carrying civilians, Allied soldiers & Italian POWs is torpedoed off the coast of West Africa and sinks with a heavy loss of life.


1942/0912:WWⅡ: First day of the Battle of Edson's Ridge during the Guadalcanal Campaign.
U.S. Marines protecting Henderson Field on Guadalcanal are attacked by Imperial Japanese Army forces.

Benito Mussolini(dictator of Italy)is rescued from house arrest on the Gran Sasso in Abruzzi, by German commando forces led by Otto Skorzeny.


The liberation of Serbia from Nazi Germany continues. Bajina Bašta in western Serbia is among the liberated cities.





1952/0912:USA「Strange occurrences」
 including a monster sighting, take place in Flatwoods, West Virginia.


1953/0912:Marriage JFK and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier
U.S. Senator and future President John Fitzgerald Kennedy marries Jacqueline Lee Bouvier at St. Mary's Church in Newport, Rhode Island.

 American Jack Kilby presents the first integrated circuit, a flip-flop. It consists of two bipolar transistors, which are mounted on a germanium substrate and connected by gold wires.

The Soviet Union launches a large rocket, Lunik II, at the moon.


1962/0912:USA、JFK speech
President Kennedy, at a speech at Rice University, reaffirms that the U.S. will put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.



1964/0912:USA「National Park」
Canyonlands National Park is designated as a National Park.

1966/0912:USA、NASA「Gemini 11」
 the penultimate mission of NASA's Gemini program, and the current human altitude record holder (except for the Apollo lunar missions)

1970/0912:Jordan「Dawson's Field hijackings」
 Palestinian terrorists blow up three hijacked airliners in Jordan, continuing to hold the passengers hostage in various undisclosed locations in Amman.

1974/0912:Ethiopia「Coup d'Etat」
 Emperor Haile Selassie 'Messiah' of the Rastafari movement, is deposed following a military coup by the Derg, ending a reign of 58 years.


1977/0912:South Africa
 anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko dies in police custody.


1980/0912:Turkey「Military coup」


A Wells Fargo depot in West Hartford, Connecticut, United States, is robbed of approximately US$7 million by Los Macheteros.

The USSR vetoes a United Nations Security Council Resolution deploring the Soviet destruction of Korean Air Lines Flight 007.

1984/0912:Japan「Glico・Morinaga Incident」森永製菓脅迫事件

1986/0912:Jacques Henri Lartigue 189486、死去

, photographe français.

1988/0912:Hurricane "Gilbert" devastates Jamaica;
 it turns towards Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula two days later, causing an estimated $5 billion in damage.

1990/0912:German reunification
 The two German states and the Four Powers sign the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany in Moscow.

「ドイツ再統一」 東西ドイツ第二次世界大戦直後のドイツ占領の四か国(フランス・イギリス・USA・USSR)がドイツ最終規定条約に署名。

1992/0912:Anthony Perkins 193292、他界

, acteur américain.

1992/0912:NASA launches Space Shuttle Endeavour on STS-47 which marked the 50th shuttle mission. 

On board are Mae Carol Jemison, the first African-American woman in space, Mamoru Mohri, the first Japanese citizen to fly in a US spaceship, and Mark Lee and Jan Davis, the first married couple in space.


1992/0912:Peru「Sendero Luminoso」
 Abimael Guzmán(líder del Sendero Luminoso)es capturado por las fuerzas especiales peruanas; poco después, el resto del liderazgo de Sendero Luminoso también cayó.

Abimael Guzmán, leader of the Shining Path, is captured by Peruvian special forces; shortly thereafter the rest of Shining Path's leadership fell as well.

1994/0912:USA「White House」
Frank Eugene Corder fatally crashes a single-engine Cessna 150 into the White House's south lawn, striking the West wing. There were no other casualties.

2003/0912:Iraq War
 In Fallujah, U.S. forces mistakenly shoot and kill eight Iraqi police officers.

2008/0912:David Foster Wallace 196208、死去

an American writer and university instructor of English and creative writing. His novel Infinite Jest (1996) was listed by Time magazine as one of the hundred best English-language novels published between 1923 and 2005

2009/0912:Norman Ernest Borlaug 191409、死去

an American agronomist and humanitarian who led initiatives worldwide that contributed to the extensive increases in agricultural production termed the Green Revolution.

The 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City opens to the public.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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