


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World



歴史暦:古今東西 05/27 今日の出來事

1911/0527:Vincent Price 191193、生
1922/0527:Christopher Lee 192215、生
1913/0526:Peter Cushing 191394、生

これを偶然と思ふか。「思ふ」と云はれれば、「さうですか」とすごすご引き下がるしかないが、しかし、 ……

知る人ぞ知るフランスの異端的作家、Louis-Ferdinand Céline 189461 とハアドボイルド文藝を創始したアメリカの Samuel Dashiell Hammett 189461 とが同じ年の同じ日に生まれてゐることに氣付いたのであった。

今はもう忘れ去られたかも知れないがイギリスの小説家、Arnold Bennett 186731 の誕生と死亡の日付が同じ今日、五月二十七日であったのである。




A royal servant holds a solar eclipse observed in the region around Babylon on a cuneiform tablet.






Death of Simeon I the Great, the first Bulgarian to be recognized as Emperor.

1120/0527:Richard III of Capua is anointed as Prince 

two weeks before his untimely death.

1129/0527:宋高宗南渡长江到达建康,致书金朝 “愿用正朔,比于藩臣”

Song Gaozong Nandu Yangtze River arrived in Jiankang, told the book "is willing to use the new moon, than the fan"

1153/0527:Malcolm IV becomes King of Scotland.


1199/0527:John is crowned King of England.

John 116616

 13th-century depiction of Henry II and John's siblings, left to right: 
William, Henry, Richard, Matilda, Geoffrey, Eleanor, Joan and John


 The Angevin continental empire (orange shades) in the late 12th century


1234/0527:In the Stedinger war, the Battle of Altenesch 

between the Archbishop of Bremen, Gebhard II, came to the Lippe and rebellious Frisian families.

1332/0527:Ibn Khaldun 132206、生



1353/0527:Mariage Karl IV & Anna von Schweidnitz

Der römisch-deutsche König Karl IV. heiratet in Ofen nach einem päpstlichen Dispens durch Innozenz VI. die 14-jährige Anna von Schweidnitz.


1508/0527:Ludovico Sforza 145206、死

ミラノ公(Leonard da Vinci 145219 のパトロンだった


1525/0527:Thomas Müntzer 148925、斬首刑死

Zwölf Tage nach der Niederlage in der Schlacht bei Frankenhausen wird Thomas Müntzer, einer der Bauernführer im Deutschen Bauernkrieg, im thüringischen Mühlhausen hingerichtet.
https://is.gd/pPUp0w Thomas Müntzer

1919、Martin Luther 148346 を識り信奉者となる。その推薦で説教者となり、アナバプテストの勞働者のなかに入り、持つ者を攻撃し天國の到來を説き、富の共有を基盤とした社界への改革を標榜して、追放された。アルシュテットに落ち着き、共産的生活の實踐活動を始めた。農林業に從事する勞働者の共感を得て活動するうち、封建諸侯と妥協してゐるルタへの批判が芽生えた。ルタのはうでもミュンツァを「アルシュテットの悪魔」と呼ぶやうになり、諸侯連中を煽り立てたが、諸侯は農民層と一體になったミュンツァに容易に手出しはできなかった。

1524、西南ドイツに農民一揆が波及、ミュンツァは革命の時の到來を告げ、ミュウルハウゼンに行き、底の民主主義者H Pfeiffer と祕密結社を作り、新政府を摸索したが、ルタの指示書により二人の説教は禁じられた。ミュンツァはルタとの公開討論を望んでニュルンベルクに赴き、その後、ドイツスヰス國境でドイツ農民戰爭の初發するのを目撃し、農民の叛亂はもはや猶豫されるべきではないと確信した。そして、ミュウルハウゼンに戻るが、ザクセン諸侯の連合軍にフランケンハウゼンの戰ひで敗れ、捕縛され、Pfeiffer とともに斬首により處刑された。


1564/0527:Jean Calvin 150964、死



1603/0527:Ttraité de la Grande Alliance 

(premier traité franco-amérindiens).


Organiser François de Vendôme et Marie de Rohan, ainsi qu'un certain nombre de nobles français, II parmi Ihnen Claude de Bourdeille Charles de L'Aubespine et Henri de Lorraine, duc de Guise, la cabale des Importants, un conspiration contre le Premier Jules Mazarin. L'intrigue, cependant, a révélé.


Manchu regent Dorgon defeats rebel leader Li Zicheng of the Shun dynasty at the Battle of Shanhai Pass, allowing the Manchus to enter and conquer the capital city of Beijing.

1668/0527:"flying serpent," the so-called dragon of Henham.

Several of Henham's inhabitants in Uttlesford, Essex, are reportedly seeing a "flying serpent," the so-called dragon of Henham.


1679/0527:King Charles II of England signs 

the Habeas Corpus Act, which puts an end to the royal right of arbitrarily arresting human beings, and continues to affect the laws of many states, right up to the European Convention on Human Rights.

1703/0527:Tsar Peter the Great founds Peter & Paul Fortress


The fortress was established by Peter the Great on May 16 (by the Julian Calendar, hereafter indicated using "(J)"; May 27 by the Gregorian Calendar) 1703 on small Hare Island by the north bank of the Neva River, the last upstream island of the Neva delta. Built at the height of the Northern War in order to protect the projected capital from a feared Swedish counterattack, the fort never fulfilled its martial purpose. The citadel was completed with six bastions in earth and timber within a year, and it was rebuilt in stone from 1706 to 1740. From around 1720, the fort served as a base for the city garrison and also as a prison for high-ranking or political prisoners. The Trubetskoy Bastion, rebuilt in the 1870s, became the main prison block. The first person to escape from the fortress prison was the anarchist Prince Peter Kropotkin in 1876. Other people incarcerated in the "Russian Bastille" include Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, Artemy Volynsky, Tadeusz Kościuszko, Alexander Radishchev, the Decembrists, Grigory Danilevsky, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Maxim Gorky, Mikhail Bakunin, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Leon Trotsky and Josip Broz Tito.  Wikipedia En

1799/0527:War of the Second Coalition: 

Austrian forces defeat the French at Winterthur, Switzerland.

1807/0527:Napoleonic war: Dansich's Prussian garrison surrenders.


1832/0527:Das Hambacher Fest beginnt. 

Weil die bayerische Obrigkeit in der Pfalz politische Kundgebungen verboten hat, wird ein „Volksfest“ organisiert. Etwa 30.000 Menschen finden sich zur Veranstaltung ein und reklamieren Freiheits- und Bürgerrechte. Mit schwarz-rot-goldenen Trikoloren wird auch der Wunsch nach nationaler Einheit signalisiert.


1840/0527:Niccolò Paganini 178240、死




Yishan in the British surrounded by Guangzhou City, was forced to sign the British compensation to the "Guangzhou peace".

1860/0527:Giuseppe Garibaldi begins his attack

 on Palermo, Sicily, as part of the Italian unification.



1867/0527:Arnold Bennett 186731、生






1871/0527:Georges Rouault 187158、生



The first group of Dorsland trekkers under the leadership of Gert Alberts leaves Pretoria.



Der Gothaer Kongress endet mit dem Zusammenschluss des Allgemeinen Deutschen Arbeitervereins und der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei zur Sozialistischen Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands.

# ドイツ社会民主労働党マルクス主義アイゼナハ派」と、それよりは穏健な「ラサール派」の統一は、1875年の6月22日から27日にかけて行われ、同時に「ゴータ綱領」(Gothaer Programm)も採択された。3年後、ビスマルクによって制定された社会主義者鎮圧法によって、党は地下に押しやられた。党の代議士たちはなお議会に出ることを許されたが、集会・組織化・会報の出版が禁じられた。


1883/0527:Alexander III is crowned Tsar of Russia.








1894/0527:Louis-Ferdinand Céline 189461、生



1894/0527:Dashiell Hammett 189461、生




China outbreak of the Boxer movement.


Russo-Japanese War: The Battle of Tsushima begins.


1906/0527:Gustav Mahler 186011、6th Symphony、初演

Die 6. Sinfonie („Tragische Sinfonie“) von Gustav Mahler wird im Essener Saalbau als Höhepunkt des Tonkünstlerfestes des Allgemeinen deutschen Musikvereins unter Leitung des Komponisten uraufgeführt.

1908/0527:Khilafat Day: 

the day of establishment of Khilafat in Islam Ahmadiyya.

1910/0527:Robert Koch 184310、死



1911/0527:Vincent Price 191193、生

1922/0527:Christopher Lee 192215、生

1913/0526:Peter Cushing 191394、生



Pope Benedict XV promulgates the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the first comprehensive codification of Catholic canon law in the legal history of the Catholic Church.


The NC-4 aircraft arrives in Lisbon after completing the first transatlantic flight.


1930/0527:NYC、Chrysler Building、open

The 1,046 feet (319 m) Chrysler Building in New York City, the tallest man-made structure at the time, opens to the public.



The inventor Richard Drew receives a US patent on the tape he invented, which markets 3M.


The Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard starts with his assistant Paul Kipfer in a stratosphere balloon at the place Gersthofen to the study of the higher air layers. Both hit the previously unreached height of 15,781 meters. The balloon goes down the Gurgler Ferner in Obergurgl.

1936/0527:Queen Mary 号の処女航海

The maiden voyage of the RMS Queen Mary takes place from Southampton over Cherbourg to New York City.

1933/0527:New Deal: The U.S. Federal Securities Act 

is signed into law requiring the registration of securities with the Federal Trade Commission.


The Walt Disney Company releases the cartoon Three Little Pigs, with its hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?"

1933/0527:「進歩の一世紀」シカゴ万博、開幕 ~1031

The Century of Progress World's Fair opens in Chicago.


1935/0527:New Deal、National Industrial Recovery Act

The Supreme Court of the United States declares the National Industrial Recovery Act to be unconstitutional in A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, (295 U.S. 495).

1937/0527:In California, the Golden Gate Bridge opens 

to pedestrian traffic, creating a vital link between San Francisco and Marin County, California.


1940/0527:WWⅡ:In the Le Paradis massacre, 

99 soldiers from a Royal Norfolk Regiment unit are shot after surrendering to German troops; two survive.

Massacre du Paradis (exécution sommaire de soldats britanniques par les SS).


U.S. President F.D. Roosevelt proclaims an "unlimited national emergency".


The German battleship Bismarck is sunk in the North Atlantic killing almost 2,100 men.


Auf den „Reichsprotektor“ Reinhard Heydrich wird in Prag ein Attentat verübt.
In Operation Anthropoid, Reinhard Heydrich is fatally wounded in Prague; he dies of his injuries eight days later.


1943/0527:Réunion du Conseil national de la Résistance.



Explosion de la bombe à hydrogène ; « opération Redwing, évènement Zuni », le 27 mai 1956. C'était la bombe n°73 sur les 1054 bombes que les États-Unis ont fait exploser de 1945 à 1992.

1958/0527:USA、F-4 Phantom II makes its first flight.


1960/0527:In Turkey, a military coup 

removes President Celâl Bayar and the rest of the democratic government from office.


With the help of the poly-U experiment, Heinrich Matthaei demonstrates for the first time that a "code word" (the codon UUU) for an amino acid (here: phenylalanine) is in the DNA.

1964/0527:Jawaharlal Nehru 188964、死



1965/0527:Vietnam War: 

American warships begin the first bombardment of National Liberation Front targets within South Vietnam.


Australians vote in favor of a constitutional referendum granting the Australian government the power to make laws to benefit Indigenous Australians and to count them in the national census.


The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy is launched by Jacqueline Kennedy and her daughter Caroline.


The meeting of the Union Nationale des Étudiants de France (National Union of the Students of France) takes place. 30,000 to 50,000 people gather in the Stade Sébastien Charléty.


The South Korean army is brutally and bloody crushing the Gwangju uprising, which resulted from an escalating demonstration against the military dictatorship, the imposition of war law and against the university closures. According to the source, between 154 and 2,300 students and citizens left their lives, countless were injured.


1980/0527:PRChina 首相華國鋒、來日訪問。





After twenty years of exile in the USA, the Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn returns to his homeland.

1996/0527:First Chechen War: 

the Russian President Boris Yeltsin meets with Chechnyan rebels for the first time and negotiates a cease-fire.


Kobe Continuous Child Killing Case: A broken head of a 6th grade elementary school student in Suma Ward, Kobe City, is found with a crime statement by "Saka Ki BaRa Seito".
https://is.gd/Ta68KM 神戸連続児童殺傷事件



Oklahoma City bombing: Michael Fortier is sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined $200,000 for failing to warn authorities about the terrorist plot.


Members of the Islamist separatist group Abu Sayyaf seize twenty hostages from an affluent island resort on Palawan in the Philippines; the hostage crisis would not be resolved until June 2002.


The 6.4 Mw Yogyakarta earthquake shakes central Java with an MSK intensity of VIII (Damaging), leaving more than 5,700 dead and 37,000 injured.

2015/0527:FIFA スキャンダル、發覺

A large-scale corruption case was discovered at the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA), and several stakeholders were arrested and charged.


Barack Obama is the first president of United States to visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and meet Hibakusha.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World